Dear Woodland Families,
As principal of Woodland School, I am excited to welcome everyone back for another
great school year! We are excited to have students back at school, sharing their
enthusiasm for learning with our school community. Our staff is committed to ensuring
that we are providing your child with a quality elementary school education. New and
returning staff members are excited to begin the new school year and have been busy
preparing for it this summer! I am extremely proud of the caring and committed staff
that we have working here at Woodland.
As Principal at Woodland, I promise to bring an unwavering commitment to making sure
that all children feel physically safe and emotionally secure while at school, allowing
them to become fully prepared to lead rich and productive lives as thoughtful, intelligent,
creative, and giving individuals. A positive attitude will enable us to become problem
solvers in a fun, nurturing environment. We want every Woodland student to become
the very best person he or she can be, to live the very best lives they can live, and to
contribute as best as they can to their families, schools, communities, and our world.
It is important to me that Woodland staff, parents, and students become partners in this
journey that we have embarked upon. It is essential that all of us come to school every
day happy and ready to give it our best.
In conclusion, I wish you all a wonderful school year. If I can be of any assistance,
please do not hesitate to contact me and know that my door is always open. I can be
reached at [email protected] It is my great honor to serve as your
With pride and appreciation,
Beth Swanson