Joan Welsh, RN
Woodland School Nurse
Health Office Phone: 516-733-2335
Fax: 516-733-3524
My name is Joan Welsh. I am your School Nurse. School Nurses play a key role in ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all students, both individually and for the full school community.
The formation of good health habits early in life by all students is one of the aims of Education today. State Education Law requires that each new student entering our District must have a medical exam done within 12 months prior to entry and thereafter upon entrance to grades Pre-K, K 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Immunizations must be up to date unless excluded for reason documented. Anyone with a medical condition/s and requiring medication at school, must have the doctor complete necessary forms and bring them and medication to the Health Office ASAP with all the requirements.
Please call the Health Office if your child is sick and unable to attend school at the above referenced number.
The School Nurse's office provides a safe haven, where students can express their concerns, increase their knowledge, and gain confidence to practice and engage in healthy behaviors.
Thank you for your cooperation and help. Any questions you might have, please feel free to call me anytime between 9am - 3:30pm.